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thanks. If the 5.60-5.70 area


Posted by mars on 15th of Mar 2017 at 11:28 am

thanks. If the 5.60-5.70 area can hold as support, may see another leg up.  Otherwise, looks like it could go back all the way into the 2s.  Do you have different thoughts on support?


Posted by mars on 15th of Mar 2017 at 10:12 am

Steve-- any news re GV?  Or just reversion to mean?


Why always bash the President?  Doesn't

obama's job creator

Posted by mars on 15th of Sep 2011 at 09:30 am

Why always bash the President?  Doesn't GE have any responsibility here--after all, it is the one not paying the taxes and transferring jobs overseas?

thanks, Matt.

trader computer system

Posted by mars on 14th of Oct 2010 at 06:42 am

thanks, Matt.

trader computer system

Posted by mars on 13th of Oct 2010 at 01:38 pm

Hi All-- I am a day/swing trader, and looking for a good trading computer system.  I know at one point Matt and Steve had computers from Falcon and Trading Computers, but I wonder what theri (or others') current recommendations would be.  Iv'e seen ads from "EZ Trading Computers," who seem to offer lower prices, but I know nothing about them.  


thanks for any help you can give.


good question.  Renko seems to me to be hard to use in real time, as the latest bars often change, and it is difficult--for me at least--to tell when a bar is finalized or only provisional.

Suggestions on this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Come on--this sort of political stuff does not belong on this website!!



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