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what was that about?

NNE with a late day surge. 

Posted by law6 on 13th of Sep 2024 at 04:03 pm

what was that about?

Where can I find the definition of supply and demand ...

Posted by law6 on 23rd of Aug 2024 at 08:48 am

Where can I find the definition of supply and demand ...

Posted by law6 on 23rd of Aug 2024 at 08:46 am

Where can I find the definition of supply and demand ...

Posted by law6 on 23rd of Aug 2024 at 08:46 am

i also use  vol at price

i use Darvas boxes  on every plat form

bigger question is what Powell does  also Janet wanted 3  trillion  lol  for 'project  break down the middle class'

bigger question is what Powell does  also Janet wanted 3  trillion  lol  for 'project  break down the middle class'

bullish percents   told us

Posted by law6 on 7th of Aug 2024 at 04:01 pm

bullish percents   told us

Posted by law6 on 10th of May 2024 at 03:05 pm


KOLD ... it's shoulder season ... keep an eye out ...

Posted by law6 on 26th of Apr 2024 at 02:29 pm

have  going to 13.25

'scgwab' stole inverse etfs out of my account pre market 2009

DWAC 59 res  139 long

DWAC pumped overnight - was not long

Posted by law6 on 15th of Feb 2024 at 09:04 am

DWAC 59 res  139 long target  39  support

Natural Gas man

Posted by law6 on 14th of Feb 2024 at 12:32 pm

Natural Gas man

Posted by law6 on 14th of Feb 2024 at 12:32 pm

gotta remember to check mine   uggg

love that is that IBKR?

Good morning happy Thursday

Posted by law6 on 1st of Feb 2024 at 09:25 am

love that

is that IBKR?


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