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  Thanks for the laugh  mla127!

market ...

Posted by kwalling on 9th of Dec 2016 at 09:56 am

Laughing  Thanks for the laugh  mla127!

That is amazing Matt, thank you so much for putting this together and sharing!

Let's hope so, let the long-awaited reckoning begin!   Cool

Nice pattern Steve, totally hit

SPX 5 Bear Flag

Posted by kwalling on 30th of Nov 2015 at 12:47 pm

Nice pattern Steve, totally hit the measured move.

Thanks for sharing a_I_.  If you look at a recent VIX daily chart during this choppy/trendless market with Keltner Channels applied, when price gets below the lower channel it tends to snap back for at least a short term trade.

Good luck to you!

Daily Pivots Chart report and levels

Posted by kwalling on 10th of Mar 2015 at 07:10 pm


In the nightly updates you show a Daily Pivots Chart for $SPX (goes back to the end of 2013) and talk about the importance of these levels.  I've been unable to figure out how to replicate a StockCharts report that shows the same pivot levels.  Under "Overlays" on a Daily chart I select "PivotPoints" but the pivot points are different?  Not sure how to do this.  I would like to see what the equivalent levels are for $COMPQ?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Likely measured moves?

50ma hold confirmation

Posted by kwalling on 10th of Feb 2015 at 05:38 pm

Matt - What would be the likely measured moves for SPY & QQQ if the breakout is confirmed?  Thx!  BTW, great analysis and insight on SPY last night.


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