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I trade QID and SQQQ.

SPX 15 View

Posted by kolbey98 on 1st of Sep 2015 at 10:28 am

I trade QID and SQQQ. As far as S&P, I can get a quote on all except ES. When I enter that into stockcharts, I get Evergreen Resources( or something like that). What am I doing wrong?

I have been trading the

SPX 15 View

Posted by kolbey98 on 1st of Sep 2015 at 10:18 am

I have been trading the NASDAQ, but have decided to begin trading the S&P since that is what is the focus here. What are the best symbols to trade? Also interested in 2x and 3x symbols.


You keeping SPX or SPXS?

$SPX - Fib

Posted by kolbey98 on 28th of Aug 2015 at 03:14 pm

You keeping SPX or SPXS? I am new to this and struggling to determine if there is some more upside before it drops again.


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