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Thanks for the info.

Doug Kass

Posted by jwtrades on 16th of Apr 2009 at 05:44 pm

Thanks for the info.

Matt,  Do you still think there's

SDS 60 min chart

Posted by jwtrades on 15th of Apr 2009 at 07:03 pm


 Do you still think there's a shot for the market to correct to 820? Or can this A Wave take the SPX straight to 1000 with these minor pullbacks of about 20 pts? I totally agree with your analysis I'm just shocked at how every minor pullback is immediately bought. In my opinion a multi-day pullback would be healthy, but it doesn't seem that this may happen. I know when everyone starts to think it wont happen it normally does, but this is still pretty remarkable.


Thanks for the response.

SDS 60 min chart

Posted by jwtrades on 15th of Apr 2009 at 05:40 pm

Thanks for the response.

Started trial today

SDS 60 min chart

Posted by jwtrades on 15th of Apr 2009 at 05:09 pm

This market is quite impressive. From my experience trading the market typically does not allow such an easy trade to last. Buying dips on tech or financials is almost guaranteed money. I just wonder when this easy money will end. Buy programs seem to be at every support level now. This market is trading like a bull market right now. Negative news is a non-event and positive or lukewarm news results in explosive moves higher. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? I've only been trading a few years so this is the first time I've witnesses a bear market.


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