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Thats a huuuuuge below for sure...

Same question I was about

SPX and QQQ daily

Posted by johnny2012 on 11th of Jun 2020 at 12:09 pm

Same question I was about to pose. 

Matt had mentioned the other

GDX follow up

Posted by johnny2012 on 10th of Jun 2020 at 03:11 pm

Matt had mentioned the other day he took a long on gdx on that c down I believe. I took a swing long in the 31 range when he posted that and have held til now. Watching it and plan to sell in the 34-35 range depending on the market. 

Looks like a head and

Posted by johnny2012 on 10th of Jun 2020 at 09:36 am

Looks like a head and shoulder top on Russell futures 60 min. 

Negative divergence at the highs

Posted by johnny2012 on 3rd of Jun 2020 at 12:58 pm

Negative divergence at the highs today on the ES 1hr and 4hr time frame. Rsi and Macd. 

ET reports today after the

Posted by johnny2012 on 11th of May 2020 at 01:23 pm

ET reports today after the close.. cup and handle with tight bb bands in that handle.

Shorted the micro es earlier

Posted by johnny2012 on 6th of May 2020 at 04:50 pm

Shorted the micro es earlier today. Easy way to trade long and short for people that do futures. Thanks Matt and Steve for all the great education. 

GOLD futures (/mgc) has a

Posted by johnny2012 on 21st of Apr 2020 at 10:24 am

GOLD futures (/mgc) has a big range today well off the lows makin a run 

sold my long from the 1.59 buy out at 1.90.. short june futures at 2.04 

GOLD futures poppin again right

Posted by johnny2012 on 6th of Apr 2020 at 07:22 pm

GOLD futures poppin again right now.  

WOW.. what a move in GOLD and SILVER today.

Looks like the handle of

Posted by johnny2012 on 6th of Apr 2020 at 02:28 pm

Looks like the handle of a cup and handle set up on the GOLD FUTURES 1hr chart may be completed here breaking through 1700.. I cant posts charts so if someone is watching please post.

Gold futures looks like a

Posted by johnny2012 on 3rd of Apr 2020 at 01:48 pm

Gold futures looks like a huge cup and handle pattern on the hourly chart with the handle forming now. On a 15 min time frame has the look of a smaller cup and handle forming within the handle of the 60 min time frame..  I apologize I cannot post charts because I'm at work and I'm watching on my Ipad. Hopefully someone can post these.  

WOW, Nice move on CVLB

Posted by johnny2012 on 20th of Mar 2020 at 11:18 am

WOW, Nice move on CVLB today.. UP 54%.. good news recently with the tele-medicine launch. I think its a pretty good idea and great timing. 

guess it finally had to

GLD Updated Views

Posted by johnny2012 on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:44 am

guess it finally had to catch up to the miners lol.

Actually.. right at -80 points little 15 min ago. was looking here as a buy zone but it got here so quick it gave me pause.

Es futures. Short term :

Posted by johnny2012 on 24th of Feb 2020 at 07:55 pm

Es futures. Short term : Possible double bottom W pattern on multiple time frames.15,30,60 at work can't post charts. 

I have a feeling there

Posted by johnny2012 on 24th of Feb 2020 at 06:39 pm

I have a feeling there will be some more fed pumping anytime now. 

One heckava shooting star candle

Posted by johnny2012 on 24th of Feb 2020 at 03:15 pm

One heckava shooting star candle forming on the daily gold futures... 

This is rare. Now I'm

No Newsletter this evening

Posted by johnny2012 on 22nd of Jan 2020 at 07:54 pm

This is rare. Now I'm sure we get a big down day tomorrow. Lol


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