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GDX Swing - are we in?

GDX ST system

Posted by jel5002 on 7th of Jun 2011 at 10:56 am
Title: Not sure

Market turning point

Posted by jel5002 on 3rd of Jun 2011 at 01:46 pm
Title: Weekly Renko

Stockcharts with annotations cannot be copied to your file - dynamic charts from BPT Can be. Any opinions on this? or a way to copy them?



Posted by jel5002 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 03:38 pm

Thanks for taking the time. If I find something I will certainly respond.



Posted by jel5002 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 11:35 am
Title: Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns



Posted by jel5002 on 9th of Jul 2010 at 01:55 pm

Perfect trade for newbies like me who swing for weeks! Thanks much

Jamshed Elavia Houston

Title: Saving chart with annotations Thanks

5 min SPX

Posted by jel5002 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 10:33 am
Title: Saving chart with annotations

Trade idea

Posted by jel5002 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 09:56 am
Title: Yingli Green Energy Holding Co


A humble opinion...

Posted by jel5002 on 14th of Nov 2009 at 04:26 pm
Title: Trading

Yes we have discussed the

I cautioned on this...

Posted by jel5002 on 12th of Nov 2009 at 12:45 pm

Yes we have discussed the market topping process at every turn. I am a new member and came on board to learn from the pros! Some thougts along the line of looking at the  more bondish type ETFs like WIP and TIP - are good instruments with lesser volatility. However, they have been completely divergent from the equity indexes and fully corellated at other times. I am just experimenting here.

My take is that is because of the inflation underlying the instruments as well as  the demand for them and folks are not moving to equities but to bonds. Now here is case where a bond instrument is trading like a stock! Any thoughts why?

Matt I also like the inclusion of global equities. Can you bring some of these ETFs in your analysis?

These instruments have a lower beta for sure - but currently correlated. Thanks the membership is worth it.

Thanks for the post - I just noticed it. See Prechter's predictions.

How do we handle such flexture? I have never gone to TIP does anyone have comments?

Chart patterns with Annotations

5 min SPX

Posted by jel5002 on 26th of Oct 2009 at 03:36 pm

Can these charts be saved with annotations intact? I am new to the site and the process. Thansk JEL

Chart patterns

question regrading the different paterns

Posted by jel5002 on 22nd of Oct 2009 at 09:35 am

Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns is on Amazon for about 60 bucks and worth its weight in gold. Statistical outcomes are included


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