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SPY went ex div today.

They reported numbers this morning....not

SSRI hit hard 

Posted by jasper on 10th of Nov 2011 at 09:59 am

They reported numbers this morning....not taken well....

Remember, it could only be


Posted by jasper on 10th of Nov 2011 at 07:02 am

Remember, it could only be relevant for today. Thereafter, well that's another matter and this indicator, as suggested isn't much use. I wish you luck and with the futures up 10+ you'll be happy.


Posted by jasper on 10th of Nov 2011 at 05:48 am

This is an excerp from a  message receievd from a well informed and experienced guy who sent this out after the close last night. In case this may be of value to you. He does run his own 'models' and 'signals', as is eveident from the text.

'While  Richard Arms developed the Short Term Trading Index (TRIN) as a way of measuring  intraday buying and selling pressure, I first used it as a 10 day moving average  indicator, and it was the primary indicator I used for my December 9, 1974  article in BARRON’S, “Buy Signal,” with the Dow Jones at 575.  (The intraday low on December 9 of 571  was the bear market low.) So I am intimately acquainted with this  indicator.

For a  variety of reasons, including my having publicized it!, it no longer has the  predictive abilities it used to, either on a daily basis or on a 10 day moving  average basis.  However, it still is  a good indicator of “ extreme extremes” – and today was one.

The  closing TRIN level today on the New York Stock Exchange, as reported by Trade  Station Securities, was 8.53.  As a  comparison, 1.0 is the norm, by definition.  According to my records, 8.53 is the  highest reading in history.

In  fact, over the past half century, there have been only four other times when the  TRIN closed over 6.0.  In all four  cases, the market rebounded smartly the following day:

On  the day after October 19, 1987, the SPX advanced 5.3% On  the day after October 26, 1987, the SPX advanced 2.4% On  the day after October 27, 1997, the SPX advanced 5.1% On  the day after February 27, 2007, the SPX advanced 0.5%'

100th anniversary of when the

Pop Quiz....??

Posted by jasper on 13th of Oct 2011 at 05:20 am

100th anniversary of when the market was born. It's 100th birthday?

Title: Anglo American bid?

.and what happened after the


Posted by jasper on 4th of Aug 2011 at 10:05 am

.and what happened after the low, made thereafter Steve? Was the market higher or lower than the hammer, I wonder. Do you have those stats too? Just wondered.

wonder if ZIP can have another move from here?

Posted by jasper on 29th of Jul 2011 at 03:23 pm

I know Matt, I think had it before when it broke the down trend. Well it retested and all this week had been holding and trying to move north. Triangle now and needs to break 25 on vol. to really get going. fairly tight stop on it though.

big price, but ISRG defended gap well today

Posted by jasper on 29th of Jul 2011 at 03:17 pm

broke higher on vol from earnings and has retraced on ligher vol, breaking up again today. great divergence intraday and broke out of channel too.

ARCO long

Posted by jasper on 29th of Jul 2011 at 03:13 pm

This is a nice one. fairly recent IPO. good looking W bottom, broke trend on vol...retested on declining vol and breaking higher today. Sorry, no chart as don't have tradestation.

Yes it is. Bid from

Posted by jasper on 11th of Apr 2011 at 09:49 am

Yes it is. Bid from ENDO Pharm. (ENDP).

they raised them earlier today.

ECB rates

Posted by jasper on 7th of Apr 2011 at 10:55 am

they raised them earlier today. Their announcements tend to be 1-1.15pm European time, so prior to the US open. After that, they have a long conference and Q&A.

sold a little myself @


Posted by jasper on 15th of Feb 2011 at 10:00 am

sold a little myself @ 4...hoping rest hits higher targets...another great idea from the guys again.

LULU breaking nicely from Matt's list

Posted by jasper on 4th of Feb 2011 at 10:31 am

going well, but took some off here, just in case... targets are higher. good luck all

There is a highly respected

PM miners question for you

Posted by jasper on 6th of Jan 2011 at 05:42 am

There is a highly respected guy who produces a monthly newsletter. He's primarily seen as a tech expert, however, he manages his own portfolio and follows important trends and creates and preserves wealth. His name is Fred Hickey and the annual subscription is only $140, I think.

In any event, as already stated gold remains in a long term bull market and has been steadily rising. He believes there is yet to be a final blowout top normally associated with bull markets, so pullbacks can be bought, although to a lesser extent than previously as we're nearer the end than the beginning. Although the costs are rising, as long as gold continues to do so each quarter then the eanrings will continue to do so. NEM for example is likely to have an average price of gold over $100 higher than last quarter.

With the excellent indicators here, then I'd recommend concentrating on the individual stock setups and the GDX indicator too. They have shown to work well and Matt and Steve do a brilliant job. Also, for those working these tend to last a little longer.

Hope this helps and good luck.


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