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FMCN - Port. Holding

Posted by iufan20 on 25th of Aug 2008 at 02:21 pm

One other observation on FMCN:  looking at the watch list completed trades for the past month or two, it looks like these stocks with a pattern of horiz. resistance are not panning out well.  I don't know if it's the bear market or a random bad stretch, but it is not a profitable pattern of late.

Interesting that all the bad news of the past week was met with little selling, yet the mere hint of possibility of Lehman being bought by a foreign company brings a big rally....hmmm.....discounting bad news....overplaying good news.... market really wants to run up, up, up.

Interesting, so they charge high

DIG and DUG Question

Posted by iufan20 on 21st of Aug 2008 at 12:14 pm

Interesting, so they charge high fees and yet their performance is an alarming 10% off, when judged by mirror performance of the opposite ETF's.  I just did a quick check on proshares major ultra long and ultra short ETF's and they are all off by 10-12% over a year.   That just doesn't make sense to me.  

To be fair, it's possible (and highly likely) I'm just not bright enough to understand how the pricing works for these ETF's in the first place, and maybe what I'm seeing as "negative returns" is just how they are set up to run.   



DIG and DUG Question

Posted by iufan20 on 21st of Aug 2008 at 11:43 am

One reason I'm cautious about playing DIG is because both DIG and DUG have one year returns that are negative. Which is counter-intuitive for things that are supposed to (and generally do) move opposite each other every day. In other words, while DIG and DUG mirror one another, the axis is not a flat 0%, but a downward trending line that over a one year period is currently -20% return.

Or maybe to put it in simpler terms, if you had shorted both DIG and DUG 12 months ago, you'd have a 20% return, an arbitrage play.

Here's a chart, sorry don't know how to hyperlink.

Any comments? Is that really how these ETF's are supposed to work or are these two messed up somehow?


Posted by iufan20 on 19th of Aug 2008 at 01:37 pm

New trader here... am I correct in noting that DXD off the watch list triggered either yesterday or today?  I bought it at 62.78 this am.  Anyone else in this?  Or has it not triggered yet because of low volume?


So if oil is in a long-term trend up, and will be all the way even if the market breaks down to $70, what do you think of PWE, the canadian oil trust that was highlighted here months ago?  Does anyone still hold that, it has a high yield if I recall.  Thoughts?



Hello, first time user here,

Posted by iufan20 on 15th of Aug 2008 at 11:00 am

Hello, first time user here, started free trial yesterday.  Yesterday I bought RES, IRF, and MYL.  (Thank you very, very much for IRF, closed that this morning.  I know that's not how easy this always is and won't be expecting that every day, but a nice "welcome". ) 

My question is regarding the other two, anybody have a suggestion as to where to place stops on the downside for those?  RES I bought at 18.5, MYL I bought at 13.69.  What is a general rule of thumb for stops?  At the breakpoint?  Obviously, I don't want to set it too tight and just lock in a loss.

Thanks for any help.


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