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Yep, must agree there... I

Crude Oil daily

Posted by isplat on 21st of Dec 2015 at 03:19 pm

Yep, must agree there... I don't see any futures contract anywhere close to that price.

However, the spot price is (or was) pretty much at the levels shown in the chart posted, at the time it was posted. 

EDIT: I see it says 01-16... the nearest-dated contract I can see is Feb 2016, so that would be the explanation. Apologies!

Man, this wedge thingy is

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 02:04 pm

Man, this wedge thingy is really messing us about, I'd say:


like so, you mean?  

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:47 pm

like so, you mean?


Interesting comment there, Matt -

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:32 pm

Interesting comment there, Matt - could you share with us the factors that make up a "textbook wedge", please? Thanks very much!

SPX 15

Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:19 pm



Interesting, pwb8.

1.14 would also be a retest of the lower channel line on EURUSD chart.

DJIA 15 min

Posted by isplat on 13th of Aug 2015 at 12:03 pm

cup & handle

actually, the handle is itself a cup & handle pattern



German Schatz (2 yr bond)

Posted by isplat on 12th of Aug 2015 at 02:41 pm

The yield on this puppy is currently at a generous -0.28

Steve, I know you're swamped at the moment, what with Matt being away, but if you could perhaps take a look at Germany in your newsletter, I'd really appreciate it - the DAX got reamed today. Thanks for all the hard work!



DAX daily retest

Posted by isplat on 24th of Jul 2015 at 02:12 pm

Note that this is a chart of the CFD, which includes some futures data "translated" into cash prices, so it will probably not precisely match the true cash market chart, but I think it's close enough.


Posted by isplat on 23rd of Jul 2015 at 02:55 pm

if this pans out we're looking at a goodly drop here


Posted by isplat on 22nd of Jul 2015 at 01:07 pm

Quite significantly stronger than SPX and INDU.

Interesting H&S-ish pattern...

saturn6 - thanks for all

SLV - Cont'd...

Posted by isplat on 14th of Jul 2015 at 11:57 am

saturn6 - thanks for all the great charts you always post. I'm long silver metal and worried about a potential H&S on the 60 min chart.


ESV getting going

Posted by isplat on 14th of Jul 2015 at 09:58 am


Posted by isplat on 13th of Jul 2015 at 01:58 pm

60 stochastic over 80 all day, MACD recycled back to zero... time for one more pop to the upside?

errrrr, Matt, methinks somebody doesn't

Posted by isplat on 8th of Jul 2015 at 01:41 pm

errrrr, Matt, methinks somebody doesn't want to pay their subs to get BPT's information Laughing!/st-louis-apparently-the-epicentre-of-a-cyber-attack-20150708


WTI Daily

Posted by isplat on 6th of Jul 2015 at 02:01 pm

Breaking old support/resistance 

Hey Matt, get some rest

SPX 5 min update

Posted by isplat on 1st of Jul 2015 at 04:07 pm

Hey Matt, get some rest man, you do more than enough for this community already.

Take care of your health, and spend some time with your family.

Very short-term view

Posted by isplat on 29th of Jun 2015 at 11:57 am

Positive divergence on SPX 3 min

Indeed a tough one, Steve,

POST 60 min

Posted by isplat on 25th of Jun 2015 at 05:20 pm

Indeed a tough one, Steve, but looking at the daily it tried to regain the trigger point it broke through yesterday, but ultimately failed. I'm short, with a stop just above yesterday's high.

POST 60 min

Posted by isplat on 25th of Jun 2015 at 04:10 pm

60 period Stochastic over 80 for 12 days now.


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