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Sorely Breakpoint Trades is BPT?

SPX Views

Posted by hs1935 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 04:03 pm

Sorely Breakpoint Trades is BPT?

"Long ago the Seed of

FYI - an unusual stat

Posted by hs1935 on 28th of Oct 2010 at 08:26 pm

"Long ago the Seed of Wisdom did I sow

And with mine own hand labored  it to grow

And this was all the harvest that I reaped ---

When this market breaks, look out below !" 

(with apologies to Omar Khayyam).

Thanks for the new suggestion, if it is possible to be done : Against the symbol can you put the date when the trade idea was initiated. That would be very helpful.

Hindenburg Omen

as a bear....

Posted by hs1935 on 24th of Aug 2010 at 07:35 am

I read somewhere that Lowry does a calculation of the HO using operating companies data only, thus eliminating ETFs etc., and according to this the HO has triggered once but not subsequently. Anyone else aware of this?

Palladin, you have good sense of humor.....and I hope you make a ton of money on your NG trade (and that you don't have to use any other protruberance than your nose! LOL).

hindenburg omen

Hindenburg Omen again

Posted by hs1935 on 16th of Aug 2010 at 10:55 pm

If a contra ETF makes a new high, should that be counted as a high or a low?It seems counter intuitive to count it amongst the "stocks" making a new high. The reverse is true for a contra ETF making a new low.

Who is Celente? And why

crash of f2010

Posted by hs1935 on 16th of Aug 2010 at 12:58 pm

Who is Celente? And why should we be particularly interested in what he has to say? There are dozens of analysts out there predicting a crash. 

Is there any news to

AKS steel stock

Posted by hs1935 on 20th of Jul 2010 at 10:59 am

Is there any news to account for the strength in coal/steel stocks today?

Renko Charts

The beauty of Renko Chart Analysis

Posted by hs1935 on 9th of Jun 2010 at 11:36 am


On the Dynamic Charts tab I don't see a link for non Stockcharts subscribers for the daily  GDX or SPX. Could you post those please. Thanks.

The Renko chart is showing

Renko Charts

Posted by hs1935 on 3rd of May 2010 at 07:44 am

The Renko chart is showing a white candle on Apr 30 ? How is that possible ?

thin zone

Wednesday Night Review

Posted by hs1935 on 24th of Dec 2009 at 07:24 am

Matt, in last night's update you mentioned that if the S&P closed strongly above 1121 it could go all the way up the "thin zone". Could you please elaborate on the concept of a thin zone. And is there any way to identify possible upcoming thin zones in stocks. Thanks.

Thin Zone

Posted by hs1935 on 22nd of Nov 2009 at 09:31 am

Does the concept of "thin zone" apply to stocks as well as indices? If so, is that a valid thin zone on the weekly chart of TRA between 44 and 26?

Richard Russell's observations

Richard Russell's Observations

Posted by hs1935 on 17th of Aug 2009 at 11:23 pm

Russell says he could live comfortably in 1945 on $65 a week.......but he was paying $275 a month for rent? That's more than his entire salary. Is he making up the numbers or is his recollection faulty?

FAZ system

Posted by hs1935 on 18th of May 2009 at 06:35 pm

As a paid-up member (as of today) can you pls send me the ma system for  FAZ or any other tickers which are only for paid up members. Thanks.

Any stocks closing with enough

Nancy is out of control

Posted by hs1935 on 4th of May 2009 at 03:51 pm

Any stocks closing with enough momo today to justify a gap opening tomorrow?


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