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Paint Dry System

Posted by graceryan on 11th of Jun 2015 at 12:59 pm

I can no longer find the Paint Dry system on the web site.  Has it been deleted?

Tough Break

Posted by graceryan on 7th of Jun 2013 at 09:29 am

Hi Matt - so sorry to hear about youe accident but I'm thankful that it wasn't worse.  Looking forward to hearing you're back on your bike. Take care.

Grace :)

May 18 Recap - 15 Min $SPX

Posted by graceryan on 19th of May 2009 at 09:47 am

First let me say how impressed I am with your analysis Steve & Matt.  Your work is top notch, the way you run the sight is fair and open.  Simply put, quality people doing quality work.  Many thanks

Now on to my question:

I'm curious about the wave count on the 15 min. $SPX chart in last night's Market Recap video. The wave you labled as 2 up exceeds the high/starting point of wave 1 down.  Doesn't that violate EW rules?




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