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Thanks for this.  I am getting tired of being admonished for not knowing  that I "should (have) expected to lose 100% of your investment between the after-hours session of 4:05pm to 4:45pm)

"The market did what I thought it would do when I bought $XIV at the close yesterday. We rallied very hard off the lows of last night and closed at the highs of the day. On any other day in the history of this product, I would have made a profit selling my position this afternoon.

I was using the product for exactly the reason it was created.

I waited patiently over the months and years for a record explosion in volatility and I believed that the price I was quoted was real based on the ALREADY record move in the VIX. Not before."

I know its time to just move on, but I appreciate you posting those links :)

Thanks for posting!


Posted by gezac on 4th of Nov 2016 at 11:05 am

I jumped in and it took off.

I had that issue as

Newsletter problems

Posted by gezac on 1st of Apr 2015 at 09:44 am

I had that issue as well.  I simply entered in the password, reentered the site, and was able to view it just fine.  I then cleared my cookies and it didn't happen again.

Yes, very meaningful, but wouldn't have seen it if it weren't for your post.  Thanks for noting the chart.

Mobile Aps

Posted by gezac on 3rd of Oct 2014 at 10:13 am

I am not sure if you have addressed this somewhere, but what Aps do you and Steve us on your phones for monitoring stocks and getting alerts?  I have an Android, but I'd be interested in what you are using if you have iPhones as well.  Thx!


GBX Short Update

Posted by gezac on 1st of Oct 2014 at 10:00 am

Been watching the chart.  What a move down!  After the first 15 minutes I opted just to watch because didn't want to chase, but looks like I should have.  Great recommendation.

Thursday's Short Recomendations

Posted by gezac on 8th of Sep 2014 at 01:36 pm

Some great recommendations there.  Didn't jump in right away but enjoying the ride down on CNX, COP and WMB.  Shorted MRO on Friday morning, bought to cover in the afternoon, and watched it crash this morning.  But, you can't win em all!  But you can win a lot!  Thanks for recs!

Limit Orders

EDMC Update

Posted by gezac on 22nd of Aug 2014 at 11:44 am

Thanks will do! Average price was 1.75, so not so bad.  But learned my lesson.

And . . . pop!

EDMC Update

Posted by gezac on 22nd of Aug 2014 at 11:23 am

Got some at 1.63 (limit).  I saw it climbing to 1.67 and did market, and the rest of the order (most of the order) came through at 1.83.   Oh well.


Posted by gezac on 15th of Aug 2014 at 10:36 am

Based on Wednesday night's newletter decided to go long on CORN  and short GDX.  Took my profit on GDX this morning and still moving my stops up on CORN.  Not a bad morning so far.

GDX Short

Posted by gezac on 15th of Aug 2014 at 10:15 am

Shorted GDX yesterday at 27.25 after the review on Wednesday night's newletter and bought to cover this morning at 26.65.  Made 2.2%.  Not a bad way to start the day.


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