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UUP Spike

Why this spike on UUP????

Posted by emilubailes on 5th of Nov 2009 at 01:57 pm

Trading was halted briefly due to a news release.  I'll bet Matt will pick it up and post it.


Posted by emilubailes on 24th of Aug 2009 at 09:44 am

I'm trying to get my head around technical analysis.  To those of you who have the experience and expertise....

How do you determine whether to look at patterns and trend lines on the log chart or the arithmetic  charts? 

For instance, I follow my former employer (and trade it heavily) - Abbott (ABT.)  It has been in a downtrend for months.  If I view this trend line on a log chart, it has already broken above the line.  If I look at the arithmetic chart, it is just trying to now. 

Is there a standard rule about using one or the other when doing TA?

Thanks in advance.




Posted by emilubailes on 1st of Jul 2009 at 02:44 pm
Title: Elliott Wave

PG Question

Posted by emilubailes on 23rd of May 2009 at 09:40 am

Before the break last week above the horizontal line at 52.00 on PG, I saw the chart as a bear flag.  Now, in retrospect, it looks like an ascending triangle.

How could I tell the difference (before the fact)?  I'm hoping some of the experienced traders here can educate me.... thanks, Emilu


Posted by emilubailes on 13th of May 2009 at 08:27 am

When do you chose to view linear charts v. log charts?

Daily Video?

Posted by emilubailes on 7th of May 2009 at 08:25 am

I didn't receive a daily market update.  Having been a member only since April 15, this is the first time that has happened.  Is there an issue with my own email?  I don't find one posted here on Intra Week Updates either.......




Posted by emilubailes on 4th of May 2009 at 11:55 am

Looks like we're near a reversal x-over on SRS system for a loss.

David D,  Will you hold


Posted by emilubailes on 1st of May 2009 at 03:43 pm

David D,  Will you hold if it looks like the SPX is going to close over 875 today?

Thanks, Peridot.....


Posted by emilubailes on 1st of May 2009 at 03:41 pm

Thanks, Peridot.....


Posted by emilubailes on 1st of May 2009 at 03:15 pm

I see there are new issues on the Current Watch List.  As a new member, I check this tab throughout the day.  I notice that many of these weren't added until after they had broken up beyond their buy points.  What's up?


Posted by emilubailes on 24th of Apr 2009 at 03:56 pm

Couldn't help myself.  Bought a few Sep 64 calls on SDS when in low 64s. 



Posted by emilubailes on 24th of Apr 2009 at 03:27 pm

Do you know if TOS automates these systems?


Posted by emilubailes on 24th of Apr 2009 at 02:52 pm

OK.  I've only been actively trading for just over 2 years.  I am gun shy now.  I closed SDS for a loss this morning with the bull triggers from the 4 indexes.  I've fought off urges to jump back in as I watched SDS plunge to the support level in the low 64's.  But, I have to remind myself that I'm only a kindergardener and may not be ready for these kinds of trades.  I've DONATED enough of my money to the pros for now.  I'll have to wait for a confirmed pullback.  (It will come, won't it?????)

I can't believe how bullish the market is.  I don't trust a bullish position either, as the market seems to be overbought.



Posted by emilubailes on 24th of Apr 2009 at 11:03 am

All my triggers hit.  COMP, $DJI, NDX, SPX. 

Highs Breeched

Posted by emilubailes on 24th of Apr 2009 at 10:02 am

Looking for a good exit of short?


Posted by emilubailes on 23rd of Apr 2009 at 10:20 am

Thanks for the comment on CAM, Matt.  I exited at the pop-up this morning for a nice profit.  Need a few more of those to off-set the losses!




Wednesday April 22nd: Market Recap

Posted by emilubailes on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 10:50 pm

I went long CAM at the trigger today.  Should I set a tight stop for the market sell-off that's expected?


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