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learning tools

Posted by edsoumi on 22nd of Jan 2011 at 06:10 am

can anyone please recommend reading sites or books that will allow me to understand these charts in a simplistic way.f   Also if there is a valuabe course out there please comment                        


Posted by edsoumi on 9th of Mar 2010 at 12:00 am

any ones thought on citi bank?

Does anyone know what happened

Posted by edsoumi on 15th of Jan 2010 at 12:02 am

Does anyone know what happened with SFI or what to do whit the company


Posted by edsoumi on 7th of Jan 2010 at 12:39 am

I saw your comment earlier, i think you responded to deebrah.  AHD shot up to 7.45 and came back down to about 7.00 the initial price i bought it.  Is the move over or do you think it will surge again?

Does anyone know what happened

Posted by edsoumi on 4th of Dec 2009 at 01:06 am

Does anyone know what happened to SLG today.  was doing well then all of the sudden it sold off? 

question regrading the different paterns

Posted by edsoumi on 22nd of Oct 2009 at 01:31 am

are the different patterns of stocks i.e symetrical triangle or ascending triangle ect. work better (or reach there goals) if the stock is trending or trading?

Thank you

can any one tell me

Posted by edsoumi on 19th of Oct 2009 at 11:35 pm

can any one tell me how to use the vol % columun on the watch list.  is it better to pick tickers with high volume?

Never mind to the question

Posted by edsoumi on 9th of Oct 2009 at 04:26 am

Never mind to the question I had just posted I just read the message on the actual charts

Hi Matt, when you say

Posted by edsoumi on 9th of Oct 2009 at 03:50 am

Hi Matt, when you say take some profit in your Market Recap on thursday with regards to gold,  does that include the triggered companies such as AZK and AUY or are u speaking in general about gold index and other gold companies

does anyone know any good

Posted by edsoumi on 29th of Sep 2009 at 11:15 pm

does anyone know any good literature  to learn technical anyalysis?  Has anyone took the course "The Methodology" at Technitrader?


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