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GMCR has two gaps

Posted by dkimm on 9th of Nov 2011 at 04:15 pm

One between 44-55 and another on e 33-37...I think we will fill those gap

GMCR down she goes

Posted by dkimm on 9th of Nov 2011 at 04:02 pm

new support till low 40s

Nice Post on Trading when there is no trade

Posted by dkimm on 8th of Nov 2011 at 05:38 pm

I think a Big

Posted by dkimm on 8th of Nov 2011 at 08:15 am

Drop will come soon...

USD is in Bull flag mode  EUR/USD  and USD/JPY shows that....And Euro is in Bear flag ....
If it plays out as expected then then next weakness in market will result in heavy selling.  Right now no divergence yet on 60 or daily chart...

Minimum of 25 pts move expected!!!!!!!

SPY inverse HS

$SPX 15

Posted by dkimm on 7th of Nov 2011 at 11:13 am

From bottom, break of 125.20 leads to 125.60-70

What to make of these contrasting

Posted by dkimm on 4th of Nov 2011 at 10:55 am

comments from Obama speech????

OBAMA: G-20 worked to avoid another depression


OBAMA: Europe 'remains on track' to resolve Greek crisis


OBAMA: It's important to solve Greek crisis and recapitalize European banks

So question is Europe crisis solved or not???

SO if the Jobs data is good

Jobs Data

Posted by dkimm on 4th of Nov 2011 at 08:49 am

Then it is good for US dollar as US economy is getting better, which is bad for the market because of the inverse relation???

Its simple marketguy

upon reviewing....

Posted by dkimm on 3rd of Nov 2011 at 10:21 pm

If the next few days it works out the way it is supposed then keep the charts, else remove the chart from any future references.....

Reporting earnings after close.

FSLR atleast 3-4 pts move which side don't know :-) , I am expecting to downward


Send out a rumor news?

looking worse...

Posted by dkimm on 3rd of Nov 2011 at 10:50 am

That Greek is leaving Euro referendum vote this friday?

Possible Head and Shoulder?

Posted by dkimm on 3rd of Nov 2011 at 10:34 am

on SPX with Top at 1290s and left/right shoulder at 1250s?

For this to happen this should start a slow decent to 1210 support zone. If it happens then measure move down is to 1160 area

Buying/shorting and holding till next day is like suicide. You may make or loose a lot.

LVS opinion

Posted by dkimm on 2nd of Nov 2011 at 11:05 am

Any opinion on LVS for a breakout?  This is pretty much range bound between 36-50 for last 1 year.

Any technical opinion strictly based on charts?

Double bottom on SPX futures

Posted by dkimm on 1st of Nov 2011 at 02:43 pm

at 1210 area. break 1230 and could resolve higher to 1250

Someone wants to make a mockery out of

Posted by dkimm on 1st of Nov 2011 at 01:43 pm

the Euro situation.

Last week done deal after Euro summit. Now until 1:30 PM out of nowhere that referendum news came up and now I don't know any thing about the Greek politics but socialist party says referendum is dead.

I ask WTF is going on :-)

Euro almost there, but SPX holding

Posted by dkimm on 31st of Oct 2011 at 12:18 pm

It is 100pips away from where it started the ESEF rally.

While SPX is holding, It is 3 pts away from the pre ESEF at 124

Generally you buy OTM calls if you are interested....

DECK is another one reporting

BIDU reports AH

Posted by dkimm on 27th of Oct 2011 at 03:49 pm

and I think it will go down....

BIDU reports AH

Posted by dkimm on 27th of Oct 2011 at 03:39 pm

Expect a 15pt move on either side and I think it might surprise to upside.


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