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Buy and hold DOES work

The familiar Nightmare

Posted by daddyturtle on 12th of Jul 2009 at 06:30 pm

Buy and hold DOES work better for most, IF you're in a bull market.

Basically, most people, such as myself, don't have the abilities or the time (day jobs) to day trade, let alone swing trade.  I still believe for most people, buy and hold DOES work and is safer, but of course only during a bull market.   Of course these wall street brokerages aren't going to admit a bear market, that buy and hold is wrong, or that we should have been transferring into the gold bull market in 2001.  It would cut into their profits.  Just like real estate agents always say it's a great time to buy.



Posted by daddyturtle on 13th of Feb 2009 at 01:00 pm

Found it.  Somehow ended up in the archives?


Posted by daddyturtle on 13th of Feb 2009 at 12:54 pm

Am currently looking at this, and couldn't find the past chart in the watch list, and was interested in earlier technicals.

Was this dropped from the watch list because it generated a loss?


physical gold?I

Posted by daddyturtle on 5th of Feb 2009 at 01:39 pm

I would not trust GLD for the long term, nor even future contracts. 

CEF is probably the safest buy for gold besides the actual metal.

"Honestly when the indexes fell


Posted by daddyturtle on 4th of Feb 2009 at 11:14 am

"Honestly when the indexes fell to the bottom of the triangles on Monday, that would have been an objective Long with a tight stop i.e. buying at support. "


Nice hindsight!

Exxon and oil

Posted by daddyturtle on 28th of Jan 2009 at 11:50 pm

Been following the USO and DXO charts, which have been helpful.  Still long DXO and UCO.

Does Matt follow XOM (Exxon)?  I assume this would be a good chart to follow in helping to predict the price of oil?

Please keep this updated, as I am riding DXO long right now (in at 2.58) for the DTO short.

Once the system gets a bite, it appears to only last 3-4 days, correct?

Thank you!

so do you see the

DXO chart

Posted by daddyturtle on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 04:21 pm

so do you see the 50 dma at 3.06 as a good target price to sell?


Posted by daddyturtle on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 01:43 pm
Title: resistance?

Same here.  Went short yesterday

Whipsaw-No Doubt

Posted by daddyturtle on 22nd of Jan 2009 at 10:47 am

Same here.  Went short yesterday at S&P 821, got caught in the rally with a huge loss, decided to hold.

Closed out for a very tiny loss this morning, thankfully.  But I am not going either long or short  until a trend develops.

Current conditions are only for the most nimble day trader, which I am not.

Stopped out.  Waiting to re-short.

Thanks to the very gloomy

Im so screwed up

Posted by daddyturtle on 21st of Jan 2009 at 09:18 am

Thanks to the very gloomy weekend newsletter, I sold all my longs Tue morning and began shorting the market.  Am waiting to add more shorts, at the open?

short the gap up

Im so screwed up

Posted by daddyturtle on 21st of Jan 2009 at 09:06 am

Matt mentioned 817 S&P was a great place to initiate a short. Please advise as the market opens. Thank you.

XCO uptrend

Posted by daddyturtle on 6th of Jan 2009 at 05:19 pm

I had set a tight stop on half of my XCO, got stopped out today.  Will an uptrend be determined soon on the watch list for a re-entry point?




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