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EOD mechanicals

EOD mechanical system results

Posted by brelar on 7th of Apr 2009 at 04:46 pm

To those new to the system, keep in mind, though we had a 9% gain today on the SRS 6 min system, we had losses for the past several days, thus today is only a .17% gain If you've been using the system since 4/1.

4/1 1.86%

4/3 -5.33%

4/6 -5.7%

-9.17% + 9% = .17%

My point is (as is Matt's), the systems work over the long term, but don't jump in thinking you can only pick specific days (as winning days are genreally posted and losing days are not) as you may be apt to pick the losing days and then give up thinking the system doesn't work.  You've got to expect losses.  Currently on the two systems I'm using I'm up 27% in a week.  However, If I could predict the future and only play the winning days, I'd be up at least 40%.

If you're on the mechanicals stick to them on every trade, long and short.  Its well worth it!

EOD mechanicals

EOD mechanical system results

Posted by brelar on 7th of Apr 2009 at 04:36 pm

To those new to the system, keep in mind, though we had a 9% gain today on the SRS 6 min system, we had losses for the past several days, thus today is only a .17% gain If you've been using the system since 4/1.

4/1 1.86%

4/3 -5.33%

4/6 -5.7%

-9.17% + 9% = .17%

My point is (as is Matt's), the systems work over the long term, but don't jump in thinking you can only pick specific days (as winning days are genreally posted and losing days are not) as you may be apt to pick the losing days and then give up thinking the system doesn't work.  You've got to expect losses.  Currently on the two systems I'm using I'm up 27% in a week.  However, If I could predict the future and only play the winning days, I'd be up at least 40%.

If you're on the mechanicals stick to them on every trade, long and short.  Its well worth it!

I encourage anyone using Strategy

QCOM just raised estimates

Posted by brelar on 29th of Mar 2009 at 09:00 pm

I encourage anyone using Strategy Desk to call the Strategy Desk help line.  There are several settings that need to be enabled before the trades can happen.  The guys are nice and will explain any changing your setups to reflect real time instead of backtesting and "enable trading" vs. "send to saved orders".   Strategy Desk has a few quirks and you want to make sure you have ALL the right boxes checked or it can really screw things up.  It really takes some time to understand it, but is a MUST in case you get something set up wrong in the program.  There is a learning curve, with all this.

...sorry about the bad grammar.


Posted by brelar on 25th of Mar 2009 at 12:00 pm

...sorry about the bad grammar.

Did you get a response


Posted by brelar on 25th of Mar 2009 at 11:58 am

Did you get a response on this?  I think you have a very valid *wise perspective. You opened my eyes up to a viewpoint that really opened my eyes.

Breck (brelar)

I agree.  Things are going to go up or down.

Nice chart.  It's encouraging along with other data.

I seen you have the potential pullback fibs circled on the chart.  Does that mean I can sleep tonight since I went home a bit short?

As Bill Clinton once said, "I feel your pain."

banking index vs. S&P

Posted by brelar on 18th of Mar 2009 at 11:48 am

Education Question: Why are the


Posted by brelar on 18th of Mar 2009 at 11:32 am

Education Question: Why are the financials holding up so well with respect to the index? Are they just leading the index in the push up toward 800?

sounded fine on my end.

March 15th Update

Posted by brelar on 16th of Mar 2009 at 09:24 am

sounded fine on my end.  Steve was on ch. 2, the rt. channel, matt was on ch. 1, the left channel.



Posted by brelar on 12th of Mar 2009 at 04:37 pm

Ode to Mechanicals

Posted by brelar on 12th of Mar 2009 at 03:57 pm

Oh my beloved mechanicals.  Why did I ever distrust thee?  Thou hath shown me the way and I betrayed thee.  My heart grows heavy and longs for short returns.  Might I close my eyes and ears so I may trust thee again?  My dear URE! Thou crossed the road today long...never to return.  My precious!  My precious!  I must have thee back sweet mechanicals!

skf 15/84 swing

Swing systems for SKF and SRS

Posted by brelar on 11th of Feb 2009 at 12:36 pm

I backtested the skf 15/84 SMA 6 min. swing and (accidentally) tested it using the EMA.  I found the gains were 9% greater.  Time frame I used was from Jan 1 to present.  Anyone have comments on why this should or should not trusted?

... but the bull flag prior to that did not.  Always a 50/50 chance I  guess.

... but the bull flag prior to that did not.  Always a 50/50 chance I  guess.

I discovered the same thing

Matt's 6 min SKF system

Posted by brelar on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 12:20 pm

I discovered the same thing in december.


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