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Not quite sure what you're referring to.  Reported CPI year over year for July was 2.9%; CPI year over year for August was 2.5%.  That's a fairly low number considering CPI peaked at 9.1% in 2022.  If you feel the numbers aren't to be trusted, that's different and you wouldn't get an argument from me.  But as presented, the August CPI reported a few days ago does not appear to be high. 

Novel idea: Wait for the

Pre Market

Posted by RichieD on 22nd of Aug 2024 at 09:53 am

Novel idea: Wait for the actual data before reporting instead of surveying businesses and extrapolating.

Gold trading at $2526 this

Posted by RichieD on 16th of Aug 2024 at 11:15 am

Gold trading at $2526 this morning.  Miners trading at levels that were last seen when gold was at $1700-$1800.  I just don't get it.  I know mining expenses have increased somewhat in recent years, but energy prices are nearly the same.  All I heard years ago was that once gold went to all-time highs the mining stocks would explode.  Well it has and they haven't...but why?  In my opinion, the miners should be double where they are at present based upon today's gold price.  Where am I wrong?

Thanks, Steve.  Is that assessment based upon the market's reaction to this morning's inflation number or were there earlier signs over the past few weeks?

Tuesday's newsletter?  I do not

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Jun 2024 at 07:21 am

Tuesday's newsletter?  I do not see a link to last night's newsletter, either in the newsletter calendar section or in the trading community. With Matt away was there an announcement to skip it that I missed?

Since you put "experts" in quotes, I take it you are skeptical of their analysis and have a different take altogether.  I managed a major law firm for more than 35 years before retiring 3 years ago.  Every lawyer I know (there are many - highly educated and well versed in the law) agrees with the main stream media did all 12 jurors...rather quickly.  

Would love to know what you believe was strange about the trial.  Feel free to send me an email. My apology if I read you wrong.     

Still don't understand why you

AZ chart

Posted by RichieD on 31st of May 2024 at 12:06 pm

Still don't understand why you and Steve have stuck with this stock all the way down.  It's the antithesis of everything you do on this site.

You an a hell


Posted by RichieD on 24th of Apr 2024 at 08:40 am

You an a hell of a job, Matt...Steve does too!  Thank you both.  I am a far better trader for having stumbled across BPT years ago.  You can't be all things to everyone, so don't try.  

Completely agree that seasonally adjusted numbers are "gas lighting".  That said, this is not a "Biden thing" as the Zero Hedge author would have the reader believe.  The fiddling has been going on for decades, during both Democrat and Republican administrations.  I'm not excusing it - the concept is a farce and highly manipulative - just pointing out it's bipartisan. 

That said, in my opinion the Zero Hedge author has his own agenda and that's what weakens his overall point and disappoints.   He too manipulates the reader by his characterizations of the numbers.  For example, why is it that a .1% miss on the CPI to the upside makes for a "hotter " than expected number (the implication being that it's a disaster), but a .1% miss to the downside on the PPI (which we know is inaccurate but putting that aside) is characterized as the "smallest possible miss"?  The answer is obvious. 

Gold up $47 this morning

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Mar 2024 at 09:22 am

Gold up $47 this morning at $2208...GDX up $0.35 at $30.26 in pre-market trading.  WTF will it take to see the mining stocks make an NVDA-type move??  

I'm struggling to find the

Posted by RichieD on 12th of Mar 2024 at 02:30 pm

I'm struggling to find the right entry point for KISS system trades.  Have set my favorites but when I receive an email alert, more often than not the stock has already made a big move. That makes me hesitate. Yesterday for example, I received an email for JD after it moved up 15% on the day. Today it gapped higher again on the open.  Chasing those type of moves does not sit well with me, even ones with a smaller % move at the outset.

I understand KISS is a trending following system identifying stocks that may move higher for months, but the initial entries seem exceedingly high relative to the initial STS.  I struggle making the adjustment since my plays for years have been tied to BPT trade ideas, the majority of which rely upon a breakout from a pattern.  

Any suggestions?

KISS System question: Maybe I

Posted by RichieD on 26th of Feb 2024 at 09:37 am

KISS System question: Maybe I missed it, but how does one determine a good entry point for these trades?  Unlike the "trade ideas" that usually have a clearly defined breakpoint, or level of support, the KISS trades generally do not.  Do I hope for a pullback closer to the 1st STS, or do I just jump in? 

If I'm at the computer trading stocks intraday, I tend to use a 5 minute chart for my entry.  In my opinion, patterns and breaking of resistance levels in this timeframe offer up reliable entry points. When and where to exit a position (placing the right stop) is more difficult to gauge; still working on that.  I tend to play high beta stocks. Being a skeptic by nature I often place my stops too tight. Reducing position size allows me to place wider stops.  Learning through experience; there's no better way.

Can you include the intraday

IOVA - 21% short. Squeezing. 

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Feb 2024 at 03:42 pm

Can you include the intraday chart in a newsletter this week and show us how you played it and in what timeframe?  Would be a great educational piece for anyone wanting to take a shot intraday.

I don't get it, Matt.

AZ chart

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Feb 2024 at 07:00 am

I don't get it, Matt.  Maybe I'm wrong appears that you and Steve have held this "story" stock for a several years for fundamental (not technical) reasons...riding it all the way down.  The two of you are so disciplined and successful trading based upon the charts and technical factors, why would you do so?   It seems completely out of character for both of you.  My apologies if I have this wrong, but that's the impression I have and it seems contradictory to all you espouse.

Stock closed February 6th at $1.51 with volume of 114,000 shares. On February 7th the stock touched $41.00 intraday on nearly 22 million shares. Just curious: Did they announce they found a way to bottle the fountain of youth?   

Just incredible.  And I bet his fee is calculated as a "% of assets under management" rather than "by the hour".  

Why not just help them do the bond ladder yourself and drop the "advisor"?

Bought in last week at $14.08.  i agree this could move quickly in either direction.  What timeframe are you using for your stop?

Lots of great tidbits throughout last night's video, Matt...thank you.

I'm confused about AZ. It

AZ chart

Posted by RichieD on 28th of Nov 2023 at 08:28 am

I'm confused about AZ. It was brought to the BPT community's attention a few years back for fundamental rather than technical reasons.  I bought and sold at a slight loss a long time ago.  

Here's my question:  If this stock was bought for fundamental reasons AND held through the long draw down, wouldn't updated fundamentals (not technicals) determine whether it's wise to continue holding (or even averaging down) at this point in time?


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