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LOL message from Steve just now on text

Posted by RP on 13th of Mar 2019 at 03:25 pm


i just bought puts on

Matt what's up with TLT?

Posted by RP on 12th of Mar 2019 at 03:27 pm

i just bought puts on it could be blow off from up move we shall see

Matt what's up with TLT?

Posted by RP on 12th of Mar 2019 at 03:13 pm

Matt what's up with TLT?

i luv it!!

{Big Picture} Nasdaq.

Posted by RP on 11th of Mar 2019 at 10:01 am

i luv it!!

Steve you nailed GLD last

Posted by RP on 8th of Mar 2019 at 09:05 am

Steve you nailed GLD last night! anyway i am lots gld calls and loaded up on jnug calls let'r rip

if true which is possible with 10 year run in the market sure was fun! we will retest the highs than see from there.

so if all these billionaires

Posted by RP on 7th of Mar 2019 at 02:31 pm

so if all these billionaires want to pay more taxes how about they just write a big check every year to the treasury! why do have to waste time passing laws and wasting tax payer money!

start writing those checks that way they can sleep peaceful at night..haha

GLD trying to go green

Posted by RP on 7th of Mar 2019 at 10:40 am

GLD trying to go green and the stkd are leading the way

IWM holding up better today

Posted by RP on 7th of Mar 2019 at 10:40 am

IWM holding up better today i smell a bounce...someone mentioned a tweet of fakes news announcement it may be coming...haha

guess next step is who has the best track record..

Goldman analyst just said they

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 04:06 pm

Goldman analyst just said they reinterate 1450 target on gold this year and said this is good buying opportunity on this pullback we shall see ..added to qqq puts at close wont make the open in the morning see how she plays out.

back in qqq puts will

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 03:30 pm

back in qqq puts will add if necessary

you bet i see a

Remember to take those profits when you can

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 03:05 pm

you bet i see a nice round number i push buttons fast. i dont need the high or the low i just like a slice of that coconut cream pie

yes made a bigger move


Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 12:06 pm

yes made a bigger move on rollover

GLD calls not glad..

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 12:01 pm

GLD calls not glad..

GDX positive picked up jnug

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 12:01 pm

GDX positive picked up jnug and glad calls earlier see how she blows..

Now watch we will get

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 11:54 am

Now watch we will get a update saying the deal china will be signed in days hahaha

GLD JNUG and GDX trying

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 11:38 am

GLD JNUG and GDX trying to work their way back

Nice pop on VIX as MAtt pointed out..

well glad u figured out

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 11:36 am

well glad u figured out the utube just locked in 1800.00 on qqq puts

its no big deal to

Posted by RP on 4th of Mar 2019 at 11:16 am

its no big deal to go to old format and click on a chart. I like trying to improve you dont like click below no brainer myself i dont like having to chase down charts as i usualyy do more than one thing at a time..GREAT JOB MATT!!!


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