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$400 gold

Posted by Chaotic1 on 14th of Jun 2009 at 09:06 pm

I read an article not so long ago intimating that gold could go to $400 or even $200 before heading off to $2k.  The reasoning had to due with his anticipated malaise that will come to the market.  His belief is that all the folks who are going to go long gold have already done so; therefore, there is not much upside due to the lack of potential buyers.

Does this seem possible, or even reasonable?

Personal Coaching

Posted by Chaotic1 on 11th of May 2009 at 07:32 pm

TD Ameritrade called a few days ago about signing up for personal coaching.  It would last 6 months.  They have one for stocks, and another for options.  I am thinking about going with the 6 months options program.

What are your thoughts and experiences with personal coaching.  Any comments in regards to TDA's personal coaching program?  Is there another program which may be better?

Thanks for any comments and advice,


I opened a test account


Posted by Chaotic1 on 11th of May 2009 at 07:22 pm

I opened a test account with them.  They have a very robust system, but is a bit too complicated for my needs.  Depending on your style, there may be better brokers out there.  If you go to www.cboe.comand check out their paper trading tool (under the 'Trading Tools' tab) it is similar to ToS.  ToS was at one time the sponser of the paper trading tool.  One very nice thing about ToS is their scan tool, for looking up potential option spreads.

eSignal Advanced GET

Posted by Chaotic1 on 8th of Apr 2009 at 07:58 pm

I was looking at an eSignal Advanced GET webinar today.  Has anyone used or is using any of the eSignal systems?  I was thinking of purchasing the software at some point in the future.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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