This is based on the assumption that the current top is the top, which is inconsistent with the bullish trend for commodities. If crude oil is going to $110 this year--as some commentators predict -- will the $SPX go down? Or up?


    Posted by rbreese on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 10:22 am
    Title: Bearish Trend?

    rbreese on a trend in crude oil

    Posted by junkie on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 10:50 am
    Title: rbreese on a trend in crude oil

    Gold Commercials

    Posted by rbreese on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 11:26 am
    Title: TOP?

    rbreese on $USD

    Posted by junkie on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 11:49 am
    Title: rbreese on $USD

    I personally would not bet

    Posted by Palladin on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 04:41 pm

    I personally would not bet against gold heading into the $700 region. You say you see no real reason for it but in actuality there are many. Hell, maybe Bernanke gets canned (although that might actually have the reverse effect) Smile

    The US is starting to posture with threats of banking regulations and Volckerisms

    China is reigning in growth (altough I don't quite understand why that afects the markets negatively)

    Fundamentally, seasonally and true gold valuation (by some metrics), could do it. Throw in some deflation (perceived or real) and voila $700 gold

    But on the other hand, some more quantitative easing and we punch up again. I'm going to be very very carefull next week till the Fed meeting.


    Yes, the downside risk $1092

    Posted by junkie on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 06:23 pm

    Yes, the downside risk $1092 down to $700 is only $392, and the upside reward is $3000-1092=$1908. It's a 5:1 ticket, folks, and the $3000 target will be reached. Gold is a hedge against deflation (not inflation!), and we are in a deflationary environment. There is no need to overcomplicate this. Gold bullion eventually will be there, so there is no loss on this trade in the long term. I see no basis for change of the deflationary projection anywhere on the horizon.

    Here's a fun strategy -

    Posted by user32 on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 09:11 pm

    Here's a fun strategy - buy gold or silver when the RSI is at 30. You won't be buying high then!

    A hedge against deflation?  Not many support

    Posted by Palladin on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 08:09 pm

    A hedge against deflation? 

    Not many support that view and most agree that deflation sinks all boats (including gold) except for the USD.

    Of course, if fiat currency becomes total poop paper, well then that is another story for sure.


    A good point: Stagflation would

    Posted by junkie on 23rd of Jan 2010 at 11:21 pm

    A good point: Stagflation would be a more appropriate term then, not deflation. Of 1930s and late 1970s style. Pure deflation does not exist any more with fiat currencies.

    Title: "Pure deflation does not

    Posted by Palladin on 24th of Jan 2010 at 01:00 pm
    Title: "Pure deflation does not exist any more with fiat currencies."


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