5 of 5?? I could

    How's GDX looking?

    Posted by junkie on 19th of Dec 2009 at 10:40 am

    5 of 5?? I could trace only two completed waves down, current wave being wave 3. Gold stocks are in a steep downtrend, as Steve mentioned in his last update.

    5 of 5 GDX--Junkie

    Posted by perthx on 19th of Dec 2009 at 06:32 pm

    Read what I wrote and not what you think I wrote:

    "Seems like it could havea 5th wave of 5 down on Monday early and then bounce."

    So "could have" does not mean it already has had, now does it?

    Looking at that GDX chart; sure looks likewe either bottomed on Friday or the end of day rally was part of a wave 4 up, with a wave 5 down yet to come. Monday will tell us which.

    Perth- As I read you,

    Posted by junkie on 19th of Dec 2009 at 11:43 pm

    Perth- As I read you, you are referring to a shorter time frame. That's awefully confusing for those who read what you write, but it's okay.. My target (courtesy of Peridot's GET program) for wave 3 down is near 42.5, and we are nowhere near that point yet. (The *likely* price projection for the entire correction is MA(200), which is near 150 on the $XAU, currently at 167). We only had a slight bounce after a steep 6% decline in one day. Good luck with your trades!


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