What blows my mind is


    Posted by Palladin on 4th of Dec 2009 at 09:14 am

    What blows my mind is the short term reaction to lagging (and many would say, doctored) data  by the markets. Isn't late December traditionally when all the lay offs happens?

    The USD is spiking and affecting gold, but what about the inverse relationship to the S&P. Are we going to have a late day dump of one or the other?

    Cannot be logical with these things. Wish I could read the mind of the masses. But maybe I AM part of the masses and just can't see it!


    Market vs. Dollar

    Posted by bboylan on 4th of Dec 2009 at 09:34 am

    If you were short the dollar and long the market....with huge profits...won't

    today be a good day to take your profits by selling into the stockmarket rally and

    at the same time covering your shorts?

    Today will be all about the close!



    Yes - the close is

    Posted by steve on 4th of Dec 2009 at 09:35 am

    Yes - the close is what will be important.

    Inability to breakout again

    Posted by safadig on 4th of Dec 2009 at 09:38 am

    To me this speaks tons as to a market top as they cannot get a better number and are not taking it up 300-500 points..


    The close will tell the tale

    Still early

    Posted by perthx on 4th of Dec 2009 at 09:44 am

    New SPX highs and Dow is close...

    ...wait a bit, they can jam this baby up to 1130 and  Dow10650-10750 yet. The close will tell. Then again, maybe this is the final blowoff top...I'm not betting either way.

    Correction I am putting on a small objective short with a tight stop.

    Nov & Dec is when employment picks

    Posted by steever on 4th of Dec 2009 at 09:31 am

    Nov & Dec is when employment picks up with seasonal hiring. it's in January when they all get laid off again.    Also, keep in mind that last months job losses were revised down 90k. 

    I wouldn't worry about trying to read the minds of the masses, it's the bots you need to worry about. 


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