Title: VIDEO

    Posted by jambo1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 05:25 am
    Title: VIDEO

    can u post the link to this please?

    Posted by foolwise on 11th of Nov 2009 at 09:36 am


    Ron Paul and the Fed

    Posted by keithw on 11th of Nov 2009 at 07:07 am

    Outstanding video of Ron Paul.  We should all call our Congressmen and Senators TODAY and tell them to support him and his bill.  The Fed got us in this mess, and they are using the crisis to help themselves and their mega-wealthy buddies at our expense.  Having the Fed watch our money is like having a fox guard your chicken coop.  It is crazy.

    Shortly after president John Kennedy wrote Executive Order 11110 to strip the Fed of some of their powers, he was assassinated.  That's how hard they will fight to keep us in the dark about the power they are wielding over our lives.

    Support Ron Paul's bill today!

    Outstanding!  I'm reading his book

    Posted by jtverr on 11th of Nov 2009 at 06:29 am

    Outstanding!  I'm reading his book "End the Fed" right now.  Ron Paul is one of only a few Congressmen still working for the People and not the Elites.

    Ron Paul is truly a

    Posted by gateway on 11th of Nov 2009 at 09:25 am

    Ron Paul is truly a genius.  How frustrating is it that the people can not see that what this man stands for is the same as our great founding fathers?  RP is a true free-markets capitalist.  The greatest thing to happen to our policital structure in years.  I voted for him...I bet there are more people now than ever that wish they had as well.

    RP Revolution!!!


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