mechanical systems

    Posted by rank10 on 28th of Aug 2009 at 03:12 pm

    Im a newbie here but I wanted to possibly start a discussion on these systems.  I was noticing that many of the mechanical systems did far greater percentage on the short side than the long side in FAZ and SRS.  Has there been any talk about possibly developing a mechanical system for FAS and URE to play when this market starts to top out and go down.  If we get a correction in this market would a new system in these inverse plays do better?  

    Im not saying  we need a new system but just trying to see if its worth while to investigate.....just an idea....

    Any help with SRS & FAV

    Posted by 8898 on 28th of Aug 2009 at 09:13 pm

    Any help with SRS & FAV mech system formulas for TDA strategy desk will be much appreciated. Thanks


    maybe............but FAZ has always done

    Posted by Michael on 28th of Aug 2009 at 03:43 pm

    maybe............but FAZ has always done better on the short side, also when the market was going down.


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