The Swan

    Is Mike Swanson right???

    Posted by window72 on 24th of Aug 2009 at 11:30 am

    I've subscibed to Mike and I like him, the way he comes across. He tries his best, he's not a pump and dumper or anything like that. He's got a good 'stages' methodology from Sam Weinstein's book that I've been using, although it never pretends to be able to get you in at the bottom.

    That's the one thing I'll take forward from him because I've noticed less consistency in his application of this and in general. He does some good longer term think pieces also, if you like that sort of thing. Actually, that's what he's best at and what he says does help in cautioning against trying to pick a top.

    As far as short term market calls go though, we're far better off over here. Even though I don't get the wave stuff, the indicator work is (gradually) making me react a bit quicker to things. LOL, grrr.


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