Web of Debt--another good read

    Posted by pdquig on 10th of Jul 2009 at 11:52 am

    After reading "The Creature From Jekyll Island," read " Web of Debt" by Ellen Hodgson Brown. Learn the simple truth about how money is created by the Fed in service of its banker owners...and how we could cut them out of the middle and retake control of our destiny.

    Since 1913, we have been--and are being--scammed. It is outrageous that Congress is blocking the bill to audit the Fed. The pretext is that "we cannot allow the monetary system to become politicized." This level of Big Lie is so "audacious" as to boggle the mind. The bankers that (literally) own the Fed buy political influence precisely to shunt trillions of dollars into their coffers--impoverishing the American taxpayer in boom and bust cycles.

    Yes. We need people to

    Posted by PA on 10th of Jul 2009 at 12:08 pm

    Yes. We need people to Stand Up and Speak Up.


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