A few things

    Posted by ravun on 30th of May 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Somebody already showed us the Libor rates, so lets give a few "arguements" {note not mine) to both sides of the coin.


    Why the Countertrend Rally Can't Be Stopped

    Perhaps the most important indicator to monitor is private-market credit spreads. Spreads have fallen, but are currently still at crisis levels. A continuation of the trend towards the normalization of spreads will virtually assure a massive stage II of the current equity-market rally.... continue reading

    Warning! Counter-Trend Moves Spark False Hopes

    As the counter-trend moves continue, the optimism grows. William Peter Hamilton, the great Dow theorist who followed in the footsteps on Charles H. Dow, warned against allowing “the wish to father the thought.”.. continue reading

    One thing from that

    Posted by ravun on 30th of May 2009 at 12:21 pm

    1st post and I have "warned" of this possibly happening come a certain break point.

    “Long-term institutional money is moving in -- regardless of the personal views of the managers -- for reasons related to how the industry is structured..........Institutions simply aren`t going to be able stay on the sidelines, either. Cash positions doom them to underperformance. And for institutions, losing money is far preferable to underperforming. Hedge funds also have extremely high cash levels. Hedge funds aren`t paid 2% to 20% to hold cash. Soon they`ll be throwing in the towel and aggressively entering "at the market" buy orders.".

    Soon will be the 200 ma mark....imHo

    That's exactly what i heard

    Posted by gs on 30th of May 2009 at 05:15 pm

    That's exactly what i heard from Cramer in November of 2007.


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