Posted by eoberlin1 on 29th of May 2009 at 10:55 am

    How about Coal stocks here?

    I am looking hard at JRCC and PCX. They have been consolidating, and look primed for a BO. But until that happens, I am reluctant to jump in. However, if I wait too long, I just know that one of these days, it will gap up big, and I will have missed some gains, and then have to chase.

    The 20 DMA is only a dollar underneath, so that would be a logical place to put a stop.

    Again, it all depends if the market is going to move up or down.

    I have read articles about

    Posted by dylan398 on 29th of May 2009 at 11:11 am

    I have read articles about coal piling up at the docks in leary....summertime is not usually a "peak time" for coal

    They are covering their dollar

    Posted by hornsant on 29th of May 2009 at 11:55 am

    They are covering their dollar positions converting them into commodities. Also been buying copper.


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