
    Posted by duesy on 26th of May 2009 at 03:17 pm

    The Chinese are not waiting to have a new world currency. They have already made arrangements with 6 or 7 countries for direct currency swaps (eg. Argentina and Brazil) thus eliminating the dollar as the middleman. This is a very bad omen for the US dollar. 

    I find that quite hillarious

    Posted by dylan398 on 26th of May 2009 at 04:18 pm

    I find that quite hillarious because they have had their currency pegged to the US dollar forever...they do what ever serves the rich in their counntry at that time...

    That's also easy to say...because China isn't a truly free is still "communist" While the gov't basks in the riches of the "slave labor".

    I don't want to get into a pollitico conversation...that blog just made my blood curdle...It is impossible to compete with the labor of cast societies such as India and China..where there is basically still slavery, while not of the color of the skin....just the class that you are born.

    sorry for my rant...I'm getting sick of all the China appologists out there does anyone remember Tianemen Square...20th anniversery this year..

    Dylan it is not about

    Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 04:41 pm

    Dylan it is not about politics it's about trade, those guys have been arround for longer than we can remember and they want to play the same old game that they always have in history: They provide the goods for the rest of the world. They have always had Tinanmens, it seems to be the only way that they can be ruled. Mandarins did the same. But Commies or not they trade and they have done it for about 5000 years and will keep doing so. They knew about currency manouvers long before the West had an organized society. In an English Antiques magazine I read an article that cites a letter writen by the London furniture manufacturers to King George III in 1715, and if you change the dates and signatures you get the same letter that GM could have written to President BO just a few weeks ago.

    I did not want to

    Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 03:23 pm

    I did not want to post it like that but you are right, it's already history


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