Not my from experience..

    Posted by burkmere on 15th of May 2009 at 10:35 am

    Nope...I'm not a trader, per se, with my money...more long term..occasionally I will trade, but love this site more for intermediate trading/investing...

    I think the academic studies as well as the anecdotal experiences bear me out.  I'm just trying to warn him.  Do you know a ton of people who have become wealthy trading?  I have a defined benefit plan..I can become comfortable just going to work for 30 years....

    I won't become filthy rich, but I can become quite comfortable if I am reasonably successful investing/trading....however, for someone with no backup..i.e. they are depending on their sole income from trading (and they have just started), I think there's a very high percentage chance they will not make it and may lose it all.





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