Posted by 8898 on 1st of May 2009 at 11:32 am

    Thanks Matt. 

    Is it correct that the worse a PM miner's fundamentals, the more highly leveraged it is to rising PM prices?  If CDE (fundamentals POS) is at breakeven or lossmaking at present Silver price, wont any increase in Silver price go directly to CDE's bottom line? This might explain CDE's outperformance.

    What you may not know

    Posted by timrey on 1st of May 2009 at 11:35 am

    What you may not know about CDE which is why most investors don't like it is that they are CONSTANTLY issuing more stock/diluting current stockholder values.  Of all the miners out there they are one of the worst in regards to this practice. Lots of miners out there they have more respect for their shareholders in the sense they only on occasion may issue more shares. The standing joke is  that CDE's main business is selling shares, and their side business mining silver. 


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