Great call on getting back

    No stopping?

    Posted by pdquig on 9th of Apr 2009 at 04:07 pm

    Great call on getting back in in March, c. Our 401k's have been in cash since Jan 3, 2008 and I'm starting to feel like they're wearing cement galloshes. I totally buy in to Matt/Steve's SPX 1000+: I've just had trouble getting out of the blocks. Probably got too influenced by the idea of not "chasing the rally higher." In retrospect it's probably been foolish waiting for a pullback to go long for the B wave trade given that it's likely to be a multi-month phenomenon.

    If I had thought it

    Posted by cspirit on 9th of Apr 2009 at 04:14 pm

    If I had thought it was the bottom I would have went 100% but thank you for the kinda words It was first entry and keep some in cash to scale in at lower price.  I never dreamed my first entry was near the low.

    I'm happy with what I have in and will just keep it going.  I was also looking for a pull back to do 2nd entry but I was out day it hit SPX 780 and then it took off again.



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