Hard to imagine

    No stopping?

    Posted by pdquig on 9th of Apr 2009 at 10:51 am

    I'm trying to be patient in putting our 401ks back to work long. We've missed 27% from the low, but you can't beat yourself up against that metric: it wasn't until more like 730 that the downtrend was broken. Still, 16% from there is not chump change. It's hard to believe that earnings are going pass without a pullback, but then chopping and grinding to 1000+ would be exactly what the market WOULD do to fulfill its charter to create maximum frustration.

    I put 40% 401K money

    Posted by cspirit on 9th of Apr 2009 at 11:03 am

    I put 40% 401K money back in at beginning of March ... I ain't selling it until we hit Matt's Target of SPX 1000 or above or we break SPX 720 level.

    I'm up 5.8% so far this year which if its hold in my 401K or we go higher on SPX I'm even since the start of this BEAR market

    I cannot begin to explain how good Matt/Steve are on market direction.

    I might need to bring them along on my next sells call so they can read my clients body tells Sealed

    Great call on getting back

    Posted by pdquig on 9th of Apr 2009 at 04:07 pm

    Great call on getting back in in March, c. Our 401k's have been in cash since Jan 3, 2008 and I'm starting to feel like they're wearing cement galloshes. I totally buy in to Matt/Steve's SPX 1000+: I've just had trouble getting out of the blocks. Probably got too influenced by the idea of not "chasing the rally higher." In retrospect it's probably been foolish waiting for a pullback to go long for the B wave trade given that it's likely to be a multi-month phenomenon.

    If I had thought it

    Posted by cspirit on 9th of Apr 2009 at 04:14 pm

    If I had thought it was the bottom I would have went 100% but thank you for the kinda words It was first entry and keep some in cash to scale in at lower price.  I never dreamed my first entry was near the low.

    I'm happy with what I have in and will just keep it going.  I was also looking for a pull back to do 2nd entry but I was out day it hit SPX 780 and then it took off again.



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