Always feel like no direction

    Posted by kdass on 1st of Apr 2009 at 09:28 pm

    everyday two senarios are offered in seperated cluess EW charts in the video update... and from video since 3/9, looks like this website  has been calling a pull back since the strong bounce, and every time it ends up missing the opportunity to buy on a sell off.

    i'm not sure how many people here are day traders, but for me, a swing trader, I really felt clueless from most of the update. you have to play with an intermediate term objective, there is no point to review a 5 min, 30 min charts day by day, it only confuses people, like me. you can always draw a ABC, or 12345 EW randomly, but those thing are subjective.

    the market should be bought in a pullback, everyday seems on the same boat, however, if you keep waiting for 740/750 target, you probably will great upward potential.

    Only on here for a week, that is what I feel, can someone tell me the real benefits of this site?

    I have only been here

    Posted by padraigm on 1st of Apr 2009 at 10:45 pm

    I have only been here a few weeks myself but I am pretty comfortable with the output. Many charts during the week lay out the bigger picture and I keep those in mind as I watch the market evolve. I like the alternate scenarios in a shorter time frame as it provides a way to assess the market doing something I did not expect. There are several short term traders and a lot of chatter during the day about the short term charts but that is fine with me. Some of the info helps me in my assessment and some I ignore because it doesn't fit into what I am doing.

    I consider myself a swing trader and have my own approach to the market. I don't normally use EW but I am a big fan of Fib and Gann. Matt and Steve seem to use EW to create a "roadmap" that approach works for me. I also note Steve putting up a sticky tonight pointing to 821.50 S&P as possibly indicating we are going a lot higher (my words - fits my expectation). One thing this market has not done since 3-10 is give large buyers a chance to accumulate size on breaks. Another thing I noticed was someone complained about losing because he went short. Matt ( I paraphrase) reminded him the intermediate swing is currently up and shorting is now tougher to capture profit.

    I hope you stay for a while. There are a lot of very helpful traders here. I believe it will grow on you. If after a few months if it doesn't fit your style you should look for a site that has more of what you are looking for. I have tried a few different places and this one feels comfortable for me. Another suggestion I have is to watch the blog for commentary from people who might have a similar approach as you and run your questions directly at them.

    Good luck,




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