Auto Trading Platform

    Posted by mmiiller on 30th of Mar 2009 at 05:22 pm

    Matt, I sent an e-mail.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Trading Platforms

    Posted by pdquig on 31st of Mar 2009 at 09:07 am


    I've been following with interest the various discussions about trading platforms and mechanical systesms. As a working stiff who would like to automate some mechanical systems so as not to have to monitor the market all day long (it's a bit embarassing to be hosting a Webex software demo meeting only to have a trade alert pop up).

    I have been wandering from broker to broker looking for the real deal and know that there is a ton of expertise, experience and insight here on BPT. Any chance of you guys starting a Trading Platform thread--or even better--posting the conclusions that you guys have arrived at based on cost/benefits and capabilities? I know that individual needs vary, but it would be great not to have to rediscover the New World.

    Fidelity Wealth Lab Pro

    Posted by pdquig on 31st of Mar 2009 at 09:18 am

    Any Fidelity Wealth Lab Pro users out there who would care to comment on their experiences?


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