Hi Harvey,

    Sorry, I did not see your post yesterday.  Yes, I am still holding SDS and FAZ. I'm still up a little on SDS this morning, even with the SPX up 90 points, so have a little room to wait and watch there.  Losing money on FAZ (got in too early), but it is a small position.  (Small is relative, I guess.  I'm losing a thousand bucks on this small position.)

    Maybe some others are in the same boat.  I know this is a crap shoot at the moment.  Market could go either way.  I like the double top and negative divergence.  If SPX takes out the 825 level, I'm out.  Matt noted this level and the 804-805 level, which I am watching carefully. 

    Let me know what you think.  And anyone else.  Thanks.


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