The Treasury Plan could bankrupt the FDIC

    Posted by puma on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 05:13 pm

    Excellent piece by John Hussman

    He's been one of the few value managers out there who has pretty much dodged the bullet by recognizing "non-value" for a long time and remaining hedged. This letter to his shareholders is a pretty good explanation of the government Ponzi scheme. He wrote it before all the details were out today, but I don't think anything was announced that changed his essential point -- that this plan will end up transfering the risk from the banks' books to the FDIC's books. At some point, when optimistic assumptions are not met, our next crisis will be at the FDIC. 

    Comment on the J. Hussman analysis

    Posted by geotex on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 08:23 pm

    Our sense of moral and economic outrage should propel us into marching to the Washington monument and pitching camp. Hussman's analysis is spot on. I would add that those 'unelected' formulators of government policy are looking after the interests of their cronies. Those who got us into this mess are being golden parachuted to a safe landing on the backs of the American taxpayers. The PPP of the Treasury and the 'investors' is more than scandal. It is a guarantee of close and highly profitable relationships with no recourse indemnification, limited exposure to direct loss, and the lie that the taxpayer may ultimately profit.  How will we profit as a taxpaying union when our currency is debased, our children's children's children are up to the grave in debt from our profligacy, and the country's assets are owned by the Chinese and the UAE? TALF, PPP, and all the other acronnyms used to prop up the Wall Street barons at the expense of the taxpayer-just say NO!


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