Due to my work schedule,

    SSO/SPY Short Killing Me

    Posted by sethbru on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 02:50 pm

    Due to my work schedule, I can usually only place a daily trade around market open or close. So, I started trying to swing trade via shorting SSO (double SPY) at the close on March 12. If you look back, we had just finished 4 consecutive up days, had met upper resistance at 741, were "overbought", and everybody here was talking about an inevitable pullback at that time since the S&P500 was at resistance while support was at much lower levels. Since then, we have continued to move up, and now the original resistance is the new support level, and I am sitting on a big loss. I know it's easy in hindsight to say I should have stopped out, but I also read a lot of encouragement to stay strong on these shorts since most wave counts showed we would inevitably fall to the support level (which has now risen just above my original shorting price) or even lower. At this point, I sense a shift in sentiment and expect we will break out higher, so I probably need to eat my shorts and take a big loss. I see a lot of you making money on these short trades, but I can only attempt to swing around the major resistance levels, and even that is not working for me. Very frustrating.

    I'm sure many of us

    Posted by bkout3 on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 03:05 pm

    I'm sure many of us can relate to your frustration. It's been a hard time to trade for many people (except rp  Tongue out    ) -- chart logic can get smacked at any point by news. Have you taken a look at the trading systems? You might want to work on some backtesting, optimization and auto trading on your own. It has been helping me a lot. Today I had to eat my SRS, SDS and SKF that I put on "intellectually" on Friday but systems put me into SSO, QLD and URE so the day may be OK. Hope you find your way.


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