Ponzi scheme

    FED Ponzi Scheme

    Posted by Michael on 19th of Mar 2009 at 08:53 am

    the only difference between Madoff and the fed is that the government sanctions the fed................

    fed dilution of $US

    Posted by stockguy543 on 19th of Mar 2009 at 09:11 am

      our children's children's children will be paying forever...the concern re: the Chinese is that they don't need us...They DO...they especially need Wal Mart....

       We need them to be buy an hold guys re: our Treasurys....Look at the huge yield decline yesterday on the ten year:  from 3% down to 2.50% area....Amazing move, almost never happens......As the Chinese proverb says:  "may you live in interesting times."   I did not count on this environment....However IBD pointed out about 20 positives to look at and think about, which are occurring WITHOUT the Obama meddling as the cause....Maybe there's still hope for America.....

    without some kind of manufacturing

    Posted by dylan398 on 19th of Mar 2009 at 09:18 am

    without some kind of manufacturing base the US is doomed long term...you can not sustain a society based on spending and entitlements....ask the Romans...etc


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