Newbie question about EOD systems

    Posted by tomand1969 on 18th of Mar 2009 at 08:36 am

    I notice yesterday someone asked Matt if he could post the crossover signals on the various EOD systems. He replied its much easier for each subscriber to set up his own charts  versus Matt constantly sending out  email alerts throughout the day. I agree although that might be a good idea for Matt to  have some sort of premum service doing just that for those willing to pay.

    I agree but as a newbie I am somewhat confused about  how to exactly set it up.  I use the Think or Swim platform and it would be very helpful to me and other newbies if Matt or someone could give exact details on setting it up. 

    For example lets take the EOD SRS 15 min EOD system Matt used  as a example in the update last night. This system uses a 9/39 EMA which is simple enough to understand. There are 2 sections for charts in TOS, either "Prophet" or "Charts" so which would be best for setting up the study? Also what happens when the system calls to short SRS and you can't as its "hard to borrow". Thanks for any help.



    tomand -- if you can't

    Posted by Michael on 18th of Mar 2009 at 09:10 am

    tomand -- if you can't get shares to short you have to try calling the broker and asking them to set aside shares for you to short, or else you can't so the system.   Many people including me have that problem with Tradestation actually -- shares are often not available to short.  Another approach is to trade the opposite ETF based on the signal from the ETF the system follows.  So if its an SRS system, when you're supposed to go short SRS, go long URE.  The problem with this is that if you're paying per-share commission, a stock like URE gets very expensive to trade.  So you need to open a second account and have that account on a per-trade commission basis.

    Maybe someone here who uses TOS can help you regarding setting it up -- but otherwise you just have to do the homework to learn the platform, a little at a time.  These platforms all have significant learning curves.  On a comparative basis I still know nothing about Tradestation and I'm rooting around the help sections and the forums all the time trying to figure things out.

    Title: when you can't get

    Posted by bkout3 on 18th of Mar 2009 at 11:30 am
    Title: when you can't get shares to short

    no, the signals on the

    Posted by Michael on 18th of Mar 2009 at 11:38 am

    no, the signals on the opposite ETFs don't work well at all.  But doesn't work too bad to buy the other ETF on the signal from the one the system is based on.  Not ideal, certainly.

    Hey -- maybe we're breaking down now.............


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