Ive been long UYG since 4 and


    Posted by delane on 19th of Feb 2009 at 05:28 pm

    3, and 2.7, thinking...it CANT GO LOWER, and it has only gone lower...Im also long UYM at 12, rode it upto 17 and didnt sell, now Im underwater.  Sold FCX at 30.3 and rebought today...The good news, we have until May at this rate of selling until we are at ZERO!  TWO MONTHS. My favorite long stock is QCOM and son of a gun, i shorted it today, because it looks weak. Why dont you call Barny Frank yourselves and pimp him...He is in his Newton office this week, its listed, but he will ask you where you live and you have to tell him some town in MASS to be able to talk to him. 


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