rp You seem like you trade

    Posted by whirl on 16th of Feb 2009 at 09:44 pm


    You seem like you trade alot. What brokerage do you use? I have Schwab and just got my 1099, it is huge and they don't seem to have a program that makes matching all these trades simple. Does your broker have an ongoing record keeper?

    I don't have a Schwab

    Posted by amp43679 on 16th of Feb 2009 at 09:50 pm

    I don't have a Schwab account, but have TD Ameritrade and Scottrade.  They both have an Export tool, perhaps you could check with your brokerage if they have the same option.  it make it alot easier to generate a schedule D.  i am currently in the process to doing this myself and takes many hours.  I export each account and orgainize the trades into short and long postions and then alphabetize within each category.  Then I enter it into Taxcut manually, so I thorough. I have tried to import directly into to Taxcut, but I ran out of line items for Schedule D, so I need to consolidate them.  all of my trades are short term. hope that helps.

    as an addition to this

    Posted by paige386 on 16th of Feb 2009 at 10:09 pm

    as an addition to this thread I also have Ameritrade and Scottrade and they both provide free subscriptions to gainskeeper for those that aren't aware of it.


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