News Timing

    Posted by ralph on 12th of Feb 2009 at 03:22 pm

    Just amazing timing of the Reuters mortgage news.

    What news!

    Posted by andyb on 12th of Feb 2009 at 03:31 pm

    What news!

    Bailout the Stupid!

    Posted by ralph on 12th of Feb 2009 at 03:57 pm

    Good news Mr. Homeowner.  America to the rescue.  Your 500k home purchase that is now worth 350k will be bailed out by the taxpayers.  I'm sure that your 500k mortgage is a little hard right now but we will help.  I know you only make 50k, but when the value of your house appreciates, you can flip it!  Life is tough,  but it's tougher when you're stupid!  Unfortunately, I don't know which of us is stupid!

    the trouble with this is....because

    Posted by dylan398 on 12th of Feb 2009 at 04:05 pm

    the trouble with this is....because of all this CRAP

    even those who put 20% down...bought @ a reasonable price...didn't chase the market...they will be losing their by the time they need a little stimulus..there will be no $$ left.

    oh...but don't worry.....the gov't is giving your tax money to illegal "g-damn" immigrants..

    I won't even get started on 401K's...

    I need to that guy


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