Steve, Did the start of Wave 2 begin

    Quick Comments

    Posted by cspirit on 29th of Jan 2009 at 09:02 pm


    Did the start of Wave 2 begin at SPX 805 and you believe it MIGHT have completed at SPX 877 yesterday?

    Yes, that would be the

    Posted by dodgerdog on 29th of Jan 2009 at 09:17 pm

    Yes, that would be the bearish count for Wave 2 or it was Wave E of the triangle.  I showed BOTH last night on the same chart so you should be aware.

    SPX Daily- here's the chart shown just last night.

    Ok then yesterday was your

    Posted by cspirit on 29th of Jan 2009 at 09:30 pm

    Ok then yesterday was your top of Wave E more than likely.  It's going to get rough now.  I can tell you one thing customers I'm calling on are not buying a thing unless it cuts current cost period.  In some cases there canceling agreements and doing less or going without.


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