DUG etc

    Posted by arl3080 on 10th of May 2008 at 07:15 pm


    Many thanks -- I'm appreciating your ideas about direction and levels on stuff

    Your always welcome..For my last post tonight....A few months ago I was in a funk--couldn't seem to see anything--did a few daytrades here and there--JAN-FEB were great,MAR--couldnt get out of my own way--APR started so so and then took off into MAY..I am hoping this continues for a bit longer--LOL I always respect the markets and I remember to never get cocky Because they will humble me

    I am always on the blog seeing what other traders are thinking and doing,,If I see something interesting--like DUG and OIL..I will follow it and try to fine tune it..If not I look at several charts different stocks different sectors and try to find something that I would like to trade--and then fine tune that

    I have a three stocks that I am watching( fine tuning) now and they may be ready soon but when I think they are ready I will post, one is IBM--not ready yet..I missed FEDEX short--concentrating on oils and dug for now

    Catch you tomorrow--have a great evening


    PS---When/IF DUG gets to my target---I am gonna ask MATT---he's great with targets and if he thinks we got more room I will stay with the trade or may book some profits and hold the rest



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