Warmer weather has been a killer for Natty ...  Europe dodged a bullet on this one too this winter ...   maybe if weather gets above average for an extended period this summer, this will drive up power usage and avoid an excessive build up ...  but from what I understand from a couple reads here and there, we are back with the same issues for Natty coming from the oil producing regions ... where they are making good money on Oil, and gas is just a by product and they just want it out and couldn't care less how much they get from it  ...  

    Macro, i feel all commodities

    Posted by buddha on 23rd of Feb 2023 at 11:24 am

    Macro, i feel all commodities  will be much higher over time, supply chain issues, access to capital, regional instability etc etc...That being said i'm averaged on BOIL at 6, and i'm not adding anymore til it's trending up. Will wait for proper setups on others as well. Only in natgas currently.


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