Newsletter fail - 0 comments

    Posted by fredsaid on 2nd of Feb 2023 at 02:13 am

    Newsletter fail - 0 comments on the SPY systems because they are sucking wind...even after community requests ?   cmon Matt.   Trade ideas... bread and butter uh - bull shit... could have been similar results with just about any stock in the QQQs.   Great commentary and chart analysis but I will call a spade a spade.   When the systems do well, that's the first 30 minutes of your newsletter.  When not so much ...wachu talkin bout Willis ?   Please STOP focusing on your makes you look like a LOSER.   Maybe focus on your LOSERS and setting stops.  You had some great advice tonight like setting stops beneath the 9 EMA - that's money baby ...ok maybe just belly aching.   Honestly, no one likes market analysts that call everything up and down and inside out and then pick and choose the ones that are winners AND explain AFTER THE FACT what was a great setup...thanks 20-20.

    Market is completely broken now.

    Posted by junkie on 2nd of Feb 2023 at 07:57 am

    Market is completely broken now. It goes up vertically by 3% on /NQ a Fed chairman's comment within minutes. It is a strongly trending market where reversion to the mean systems do not work. Whether or not they should try is a developer's question. A much bigger issue is that no subsystem went long in a perfectly trending upward market. It is a channel with clearly defined boundaries. It does not get any easier than that.

    I am going to pull myself away from these systems till the market normalizes. I mean this as no disrespect to Matt's work. Odds are not stacked in my favor at this time.

    A pullback is coming within a month at the most, when all have been fooled that everything is normal as the Fed Chairman remarked yesterday. What a travesty! And the pullback will not be shallow!


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