Well here we go again

    Posted by RP on 27th of Jan 2023 at 03:32 pm

    Well here we go again everyone is all giddy. Than larry summers comes out makes comment on fed should pause. well seems to me the market is on  hopieum. the fed 2% so how do you get to 2% if the stk mkt is going up the unemplyment is not heading up and the idiots in washington just spent another 1.7 trillion.! if and i say if powell has a pair its 50 basis points . the bond mkt is trying to dictate to the fed seems all backwards from the statements the fed has made unless i missed something. things aint good when i go to mcostco to buy my eggs and i am limted and the are double and triple cost and my salmon is 60.00 when it was 14.00 and my steaks are 60.00 when they were 20.00. something is rotten in demark! every single thing i buy is up and way up and we are at 6.5 inflation rate with all these raises and stk mkt all the yoyo's saying soft landing and no recession! when did we ever hav soft landing! oh and i saw some housing number was up today hello.....my sister ios mortgage broker she never been so busy and closing loans left and right. oh and gee all the credit card companies are killing it well does that make sense. guess we shall ses as  always...


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